Tag Archives: Jessica Darling


Thank you to Kelly Jensen at Book Riot for her gorgeous essay about what the Jessica Darling series meant to her growing up. This was so much more meaningful than the standard cut-and-paste-the-press-release book announcement. I cannot be happier that the 20th anniversary of the publication of SLOPPY FIRSTS will be commemorated with reprints of the entire Jessica Darling series by the wonderfully talented team at Wednesday Books.

I love these new covers. I hope you do too.

The new edition of SLOPPY FIRSTS goes on sale May 4, 2021. SECOND HELPINGS launches on July 6th, 2021. The rest of the books will follow over the rest of the 20th Anniversary year. The whole series has been updated to reflect 2020 sensibilities, but the essence of what makes Jessica Darling special is unchanged. Oh! And there’s a beautiful forward written by blockbuster author, producer and the not-so-secret Mrs. Marcus Flutie, Rebecca Serle.

This reprint wouldn’t have happened without the enthusiastic support of my readers all these years. I cannot wait to introduce Jessica Darling, Marcus Flutie and the world of Pineville, New Jersey to a whole new audience.

Book Expo 2013!


1. I’m not walking the convention floor. However, JESSICA DARLING’S IT LIST will be featured in Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Booth #1829. I’m told that my publisher will distribute a limited number of ARCs per day throughout the convention SO GET THEM WHILE THEY LAST. And if you don’t see it, please ask for it!

2. I’m attending the Little, Brown Books for Young Readers cocktail party on Thursday, May 30th. Actually, they’re putting me and five other Little, Brown authors to work as bartenders. I’m serving a punch of my own creation called the Jessica Darling Clementine. The final IT LIST cover (NOT the trial covers currently on amazon.com or bn.com) will be revealed in the form of cute take-home coasters. I’m very excited about this because I love the final cover so very much.

3. I’m also going to the NYC Rooftop YA Author and Blogger Party hosted by Liza Weimer of WhoRuBlog. If you see me, talk to me! Why am I writing a middle grade novel? When did I decide to revisit Jessica Darling? Am I afraid of messing with the SLOPPY FIRSTS legacy? Ask and I will answer.

So that’s my schedule. I’m sorry that these events are invitation only and therefore limit my opportunities to connect with readers. Hopefully I’ll be back at BEA next year to talk about the second book in the IT LIST series…

As always, thanks for reading!


New Year, New Book!

I’m excited about 2013, people. I’ve got a lot to look forward to this year, not the least of which is the publication of the middle grade prequel to SLOPPY FIRSTS.


I’ll tell you more about it when my publisher lets me. For now, all I can say is that I had more fun writing this book than any book I’ve ever written. (And I’m already having a blast working on book #2!) This new series is targeted to 9-to-12 year-olds, but I know in my heart that fans of the original books will LOVE getting to know junior high Jessica and Marcus and Hope and the Clueless Crew before they were even called the Clueless Crew.

(I’d show you the adorable cover that was wholeheartedly and unanimously approved by a mini focus group of some of my favorite 8-to-13 year olds but I’m not allowed to. Yet.)

As always, thanks for reading.




In my previous post I told you all about YA for NJ and how my donation for the auction is a one-of-a-kind ARC of SLOPPY FIRSTS all marked up in my own handwriting with stories behind the story including the 100 percent honest truth about the origins of Marcus Flutie. That is a pretty awesome prize for a die-hard Jessica Darling fan. Or a pretty awesome present for the die-hard Jessica Darling fan in your life. Which is perfect timing since THE HOLIDAYS ARE FAST UPON US.

Yesterday I read about A GIRL AND HER ROOM, a series of portraits by photographer Rania Matar. I’m fascinated by photography as it relates to the study of anthropology and sociology and I’m obviously very invested in the inner worlds of teenage girls so yeah, I love the idea of this book and what I’ve seen of it so far. (I don’t own it yet but THE HOLIDAYS ARE FAST UPON US so **hint**hint** to any family members who might be reading this.) Anyway, so I tweeted about this book and one of my followers @roxie_heartless asked about my teenage bedroom and I promised I would find and post pictures.

Here they are:

And The Dream Cast for the SLOPPY FIRSTS Movie Is…

Hundreds contributed casting ideas for the SLOPPY FIRSTS movie. Hundreds more LIKED those options. Some of the most popular suggestions for actresses to play Jessica Darling are:

Ashley Rickards, Ellen Page, Emma Stone, Rooney Mara, Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza, Halle Steinfeld 

Some of the most popular choices for Marcus Flutie are:

Tyler Blackburn, Samuel Larsen (The Glee Project), Nicholas Hoult, Jackson Rathbone, Anton Yelchin, Dave Franco

However popular these choices were, none earned more LIKES than this suggestion by Karen G.:

“There aren’t any really famous actors/actresses that I can suggest for the roles. I think you need a new actor for Marcus and a new actress for Jessica. Anyone in the industry right now couldn’t do the roles justice because of their already existent fame.”

She wasn’t the only person to suggest unknowns for the roles. Many other commenters shared similar sentiments. However, her comment was the one with the most LIKES and is therefore delcared the winner. Karen G. and the 164 facebookers who LIKED her comment all win the secret password that gives them three days to watch the video vision for the SLOPPY FIRSTS movie. If you are one of the winning commenters you MUST email megan@meganmccafferty.com right away because the password will expire after September 10th. There will be more opportunities to win in the future. Follow me on Twitter or LIKE my FB page for updates. Thanks to everyone who so enthusiastically shared your opinions!

Epic Winners! SLOPPY FIRSTS Movie Contest! The 10th Anniversary Celebration Continues!

Yes. You read that correctly. There is a SLOPPY FIRSTS movie in the works. And we’re celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the series with a contest that gives YOU a chance to view the exclusive video introduction to the director’s vision of SLOPPY FIRSTS on screen.

But before I give you those details…

I must first acknowledge the many amazing tributes I received for the Epic Giving Away of Rare and One-of-a-Kind Stuff. You all made me so MISTY. A small sample:

“SLOPPY FIRSTS was more than just the first book in the Jessica Darling series, it was an introduction to a world– though fictional–but was in every bit of sense real and true…. at least it will always be for me.”–Lianne J., Davao City, Philippines 

“As I watched Jessica grow, mature, fall, fail, love, learn, cry, and dance, I saw my own life transcribed on the pages in front of me…Thanks for creating a character that kept me company through the years, that was the best inspiration a girl could have, because she was the me I wanted to be.” Kelly W., You Can Read Me Anything

“This series will make you laugh, cry, smile, and then get angry, it will horrify you but you won’t be able to stop. Jessica Darling is everything you never wanted to admit you were and everything you wanted to be all at the same time. SLOPPY FIRSTS defined a generation, and will continue to aid High Schoolers for years to come. Jessica Darling will be the best friend of young [and old!] girls forever. I know she will always have a special place in my heart!  Happy 10th Anniversary, Jessica Darling..you deserve it! And thanks for all the help growing up!” Beth R., The Secrets In the Telling

I wish I had prizes for these all and entrants. But I don’t. The Runners Up and winners of original Advanced Readers Copies of SLOPPY FIRSTS are… Continue reading Epic Winners! SLOPPY FIRSTS Movie Contest! The 10th Anniversary Celebration Continues!