Happy 10th Anniversary, SLOPPY FIRSTS!

Can you believe it’s been almost TEN YEARS? But I haven’t aged at all! Alas, it’s true.




SLOPPY FIRSTS was published on August 28th, 2001. It’s kind of hard to believe when there are new readers just discovering Jessica Darling and Marcus Flutie every single day. I’ll be announcing fun ways to celebrate the occasion (i.e., GIVEAWAYS!) throughout the month of August.

And I need your help.

BLOGGERS! If you’re interested in conducting a special 10th Anniversary interview with me on your site, please email questions to megan@meganmccafferty.com by Sunday, July 31st. I’ll pick 10 bloggers based on the creativity of the questions and enthusiasm for the series.

I look forward to reading your questions and commemorating this milestone with you, yes, you.